Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cheap Radio Flyer 2 in 1 Trike

Radio Flyer 2 in 1 Trike
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $89.99
Sale Price: $79.60
Today's Bonus: 12% Off
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I recently bought this at Toys R Us for my four year old son and he's been having a blast with it. He's on the small side (36" and 30lbs) and he's had a lot of trouble reaching the pedals on some tricycles and small bikes with training wheels set on the lowest setting.

I read a lot of helpful reviews on all the trikes and bikes on and saw how this model got high marks. I wanted to make sure my son could reach the pedals and ride on it before I went ahead and bought one, so we headed to Toys R Us and hopped on a display model. He could reach the pedals whether we had in the tricylce or the big wheel/"chopper" mode and he biked around the display area with no problem. It was a proud moment for me, since all his little friends (who are all about a head taller than him) have no problem reaching pedals and riding their big-kid bikes around.

The store had none in stock so I asked if they'd sell me the display and they did. They wouldn't give me a discount since the display was pretty new but they usually charge $10 for in-store assembly, but they would just charge me the regular price. Not a great leap in customer service, but I didn't care. It was $59.00, which seems like a lot to me for a plastic bigwheel, but since we have THREE other trikes and bikes sitting in the garage that he can't ride or reach the pedals, it was worth every penny.

He's starting to build up more and more momentum each time he rides and it's very sturdy, no to mention so easy to twist and flip into the different positions.

Highly reccomded!

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My daughter received this trike for her 2nd birthday (in pink). It is really cute and she wanted to ride it immediately. Unfortunately, even though the manufacturer claims it is appropriate for a two year old, it is way too big. She can just reach the pedals, but not turn them. She is in the 98% in height so I can't imagine there are many two year olds who this would work for. Buy a smaller trike for a two year old.

Best Deals for Radio Flyer 2 in 1 Trike

My son loves this trike, however after converting it to a trike and adjusting the seat back and forth between the 3 available positions, he began complaining that it was hurting his lower back, he asked me to take the seat off, the next morning I discovered while giving him his bath that he had 3 nasty looking bruises on his lower back from the seat rest. Just something everyone should be aware of.

Honest reviews on Radio Flyer 2 in 1 Trike

My 2 year old LOVES this bike. It is a great size for a 2 year old. The bike is kind of tall compared to other trikes for this age group, so he feels like he is riding a "big boy" bike.

My husband cursed a little more than usual while assembling it, but overall the assembly process looked easy enough to me.

Highly reccomend this bike!!!!

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I bought this for my nephew, who would then pass it on to his brother & then my neice and whoever else is born. We tried it as a Big Wheel, but my nephew's legs were not long enough yet (he just turned 3 this summer), so my brother in law changed it to a trike & it works great! We took it to the boardwalk in Rehoboth and he just had a blast going down the boardwalk, coming back my Mom & I held it (lol!) but it was light enough and no problems. It is really a great item & would highly recommend it and easy to switch back & forth (of course I don't do that, but I didn't hear any complaints from my brother-in-law so all is good).

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