Friday, November 14, 2014

Nite Ize LED Sport Vest (Black, Universal) Reviews

Nite Ize LED Sport Vest
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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My fiance is an avid runner and runs 3 miles every single day. I was concerned because she either runs in the morning or after work both times are dark out being it is winter. Although she runs in the neighborhood that does not have sidewalks, she told me about a "close call" with a driver not seeing her although she wore bright colors. I set out on quest. At first, I purchased a reflective vest that was highly rated. This worked great. Still it was only reflective and did not produce it's own light source. It did not make sense to me... there had to be something out there. I created in my mind a vest that had it's own light source. I found this and it is perfect. Not too bright to be annoying yet bright enough to be seen from many many more feet than just a reflective vest. The best life insurance one can have if playing in the street after dark like our parents told us not to.

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This vest is great lightweight and bright, highly recommend for night or low light runners or walkers. the first vest i purchased the led lights ran vertically in the vest. people complained about uneven weight distrobution, these have them horizontally...Great product

Best Deals for Nite Ize LED Sport Vest (Black, Universal)

Bought this for a relay race and it worked as advertised. Below are things I think that should be improved (easily):

1. The velcro placement is awkward and you need to be careful when adjusting it not to snag your tech T-shirt. This should be re-designed on the outside of the vest vs. inside.

2. The botton battery should be better sealed against water (the small piece of plastic sleeve fall off easily), ideally so one can rince the vest without removing the battery or the light strip.

3. The light strip on the front should really be white vs. orange. That way people can more easily tell if the wearer if coming closer or moving away.

Honest reviews on Nite Ize LED Sport Vest (Black, Universal)

overall, I am very happy with this vest. I use it to walk my dog in the evenings, and the LEDs are bright and get me noticed when it gets dark out. It is designed to be an easy fit over anything, and I have no complaints about the fit, but I am a smaller person. The fabric parts of this vest are smaller, so if you are really big, this may be a little small looking on you (though it will still reflect and light up, I guess).

I just wish that the fabric on the vest (that's not reflective or LED) was a bright orange color. I start my walks when it is still light out, and I wish the vest stood out during the day too. The LED and reflective strips are fine for dark, but I don't see why the rest of the vest can't also be a bright color for better dusk visibility.

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