Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trikke Tech T8 Series 3-Wheeled Carving Scooter (Black) Reviews

Trikke Tech T8 Series 3-Wheeled Carving Scooter
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Update : You can buy this Trikke at Costco now for around $269.....

The T8 is my second Trikke. I purchased a T78 back in September and I am totally hooked on Trikking. I am retired and ride my T78 about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours a day. It is an all body workout and is fun. There is a learning curve, but once you get past that you can really move on the Trikke. I have lost over 13 pounds since I started Trikking. It will do up to 17 mph on flat terrain and really fly down hills.

The T8 is the Top of the line Trikke in it's size category, which will work for someone up to 6'5" and 250 pounds. It folds up in a few seconds, weighs 20 pounds, and you can put it in your car trunk, carry it with you, and store it in the corner of a room standing on end when folded. The ride is great, and it handles like a sports car. If you want something that is fun, and to get in shape for the rest of your life, the Trikke will do it for you. You will actually become addicted to riding it.

Lately there have been reports on one of the forums of welds failing on both the T78 and T8 models where the leg attaches to the Trikke. The result could be an injury when this happens, so you should always check your Trikke before every ride. There have also been many reports of brand new Trikkes that have loose bearings in the steering column which require compressing the column even on a brand new Trikke, prior to riding it. If you are not mechanically inclined, this could be aggravating. I purchased a tool from one of the dealers to compress the column properly.

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Awesome! Feels like skating/skiing/flying...fantastic exercise that works the core muscles while you are having fun!

Best Deals for Trikke Tech T8 Series 3-Wheeled Carving Scooter (Black)

I've had a Trikke 8 for about 4 years. I bought the T-8 when it was called the Convertible (it came with the hard plastic wheels but could be fitted with the inflatable tires it now comes standard with). After about a month I decided to buy the inflatable wheels--best thing I could have done. The Trikke does have a learning curve. At first I could not climb our driveway that barely had an incline. After a few months I finally figured out how to navigate a pretty decent slope. It was almost like a switch came on in my brain and it just worked.

I can't say that the Trikke offers the best full body workout that you can get, but it has got to be pretty close. I really don't know a single part of the body that isn't used. I can even target the upper body workout by changing the height of the handle bars. Once you get the hang of this thing you find yourself in a rhythm that is similar to skiing the slalom. The inflatable tires grip so well that you can really carve without the fear of a crash.

The Trikke is not the perfect vehicle for every location. It's really the most fun on relatively flat surfaces with little wind in the face. It also require a bit more lateral room than a bike does (tough to use on tight roadways without designated bike paths). I will actually wait until the afternoon winds die down and ride in the evenings on occasion. Early morning rides are also great--the workout will fuel you throughout the day. I went out and bought a Garmin GPS/Heart Rate monitor so I could maintain a good level of fat burning. It's easy...but I always want to go faster and faster.

The only drawback to the Trikke is that your riding will constantly be interrupted by curious strangers who want to know more about the crazy looking device. I even got pulled over by the police a few months back...the cop wanted to know where he could get one. No joke!

If your riding environment is decent, there is no better or enjoyable type of workout. The only piece of equipment that might be just as fun is something called the Elliptigo (). Check it out, but don't pass by the Trikke 8 on the way.

Honest reviews on Trikke Tech T8 Series 3-Wheeled Carving Scooter (Black)

I got one of these for my birthday, two days ago. I have been out practicing on it for short intervals throughout the weekend. It has got easier, and I occasionally get into a rhythm with it and I just go. I know that soon I will become more naturalized with the trikke, and that rhythm will become second nature. I am really pleased with it.

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This was my second Trikke. We also have a T78. I bought this on the recommendation of a trainer who pointed out that although the frame sizes are very similar, the T8 allows more room for movement when the handlebars are raised to the proper height for someone like myself. I'm about 5'10" and I usually ride the T8 and my wife who is 5'4" rides the T78 although sometimes we switch for a little variety. Although the two Trikkes are very similar, there is a definite step up in the design and construction of the T8 which justifies the price difference.

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