Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reviews of EWheels - Electric Trike Bicycle - EW-54 - Red

EWheels - Electric Trike Bicycle - EW-54 - Red
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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I bought this trike last year on Exact same model. It arrived in a crate, fully assembled and ready to ride. I got it for less than $1,000 and that included tax and shipping. Of course, the price of everything has gone up, so I guess it's not a big surprise that this did, too. It has been a great alternative to driving and walking. It takes me an hour to walk one way to work (hey...I'm 60yr old) but I can make it in 15 minutes on this. There is a little learning curve when it comes to driveways and sidewalks, but I eventually learned that it is better to accelerate than to brake on a downslope; the weight of the back end will make it hard to control if you try braking, so just speed up a little and you'll pull up out of the dip easier. I do feel quite conspicuous on the thing, but I've got it 'tricked out' with all manner of color-changing lights (also available on Amazon) which make you ridiculously visible at night...but that's what I'm aiming at. I also bought (on Amazon) a ClassIII safety windbreaker to wear after dark, and it has saved my life (literally). I work in an ER so I see the results of drugs, cell-phones and just plain stupidity when it comes to bikes vs autos. It can get up to 17mph, which is fast enough to out-run a barking wiener dog. I haven't tested the limits of range, yet, but so far it hasn't let me down getting to work and back and running errands. The basket will hold a lot of groceries, and since I don't have a car any more (l gave it away, but that's a story for another time), it has saved a lot of wear and tear on my neck and shoulders trying to pack 40lb of groceries home. I have taken the dog to the vet and back, with a fluffy blanket for comfort. I recommend a lock for the basket if you are going to leave your helmet or any valuables in it for more than a couple of minutes. Most of the time, I use the bike version of The Club to lock it up at a bike rack, but I also have a very heavy bike chain I use to secure it while I'm at work. You can also get locks that have an alarm that'll go off if it's disturbed. At 75lbs, this is not a dash and grab item, but if a thief will take an ATM out of a store, they can take just about anything. Fortunately, the security guys at my job keep an eye on it for me, and will park their car out back and wait for me if it's after dark when I leave. It's been a lot of fun. You can't let yourself get too self-conscious about people pointing and staring. Kids love it, especially at night with all the lights flashing, and I often hear, "COOL BIKE" when I pass by. One thing I wish I'd researched before buying is the location of bike repair services, especially ones that work on electric vehicles. There have been a few problems with it, but nothing major and nothing electrical. You just plug it in to a standard outlet to recharge. Make sure you keep a wrench with you and be willing to get your hands dirty if either of the chains slip off. Remember, it will still run on battery if your chain disengages, but you'll use the power up faster. I haven't had to use just the pedals yet....thank goodness; it IS heavy and I would likely wind up having to get off and push. There really is nothing like cruising along with a little wind in your face, especially if you've had a tough day. You will get to see and hear things you had forgotten existed when you were boxed into your car, and if you want to feel like a kid's worth every penny :)

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I have to agree with the negative reviews on this product that I've seen on Amazon. I purchased this trike in March 2012 and have had nothing but trouble with it. It is a cheap Chinese made product without quality control. As previous reviews have stated their support is a joke. YOU, THE BUYER, ARE THE SUPPORT! Problems I have had are as follows, the pedals broke first because they are cheap plastic ones, the support center did send me some pedals, the same plastic type, I threw them away and went to WalMart and bought some good metal pedals. The rear basket does not fit to the frame well, fortunately there are holes drilled in the clasps so I was able to use cotter pins to hold down the basket. The front tire that came with it must have been a bad spare because shortly after receiving it, I had to replace it and the tube when the tire blew out. The fuse overheated and melted part of the plastic box containing the battery. I had to remove the burnt out fuse holder and replace it and the fuse. Later the battery connection broke off and I had to solder a good replacement connection to get the bike running again. The cheap seat broke as well and I replaced it with a more sturdy and comfortable seat. Finally the bike literally broke. I was not racing or going fast (Thank God I wasn't), just making a left turn after the light changed and the frame broke throwing me up against the curb. It cost me $117.70 to have it welded and a lot of aggravation trying to deal with E Wheels Support (still haven't been reimbursed). Except for the plastic pedal I have not gotten any support even though the website states the EW 88 is guaranteed for 1 year. My advice is DON"T BUY FROM E WHEELS or an E Wheel bike from their dealers.

Best Deals for EWheels - Electric Trike Bicycle - EW-54 - Red

I would never purchase a product that tries to use fake reviews to get sales. 5star review has 8 Ewheels products and nothing else. There should be a way to flag this sort of thing. Amazon is a great resource but only if you can trust the sellers.

Honest reviews on EWheels - Electric Trike Bicycle - EW-54 - Red

In checking the previous review (1 star) which said that ewheels makes their own reviews, it appears true. Clicking the "show previous reviews" from each of the 5 star reviewers, all of their reviews are for ewheels products -all different products -all with a catchy "My daughter bought this for me" or "I have a caramel corn business and this is my mobile office." Definitely questionable business tactics. Will not buy.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for EWheels - Electric Trike Bicycle - EW-54 - Red

Make sure you click on the name of the person reviewing the ewheels product and then look at how many 5 star reviews each of them have written... all 5 stars, all on multiple ewheels products... all of them attempting to correct the issues the REAL customers have with their product. This is a sad and poor way to run a business. BEWARE.

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