My 2 year old twins (27 months) love their 10" trike! The 12" one they have at Grandmas is way to big and they get frustrated with it because they can barely touch the ground and tip over on easily. The 10" one they have no problem with. Im going to have to buy a 2nd one so they will each have their own!
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This trike is adorable, but the handlebars do not stay aligned. They slip and turn easily in the shaft and do not stay where they should no matter how tightly you set the bolt. I lined the insertion bar with duct tape to give it some grip and that works for a while before I have to do it again.
My son did have trouble peddling at first. He is two and has never been on a bike before, so that was to be expected. After a couple of months of practice he has had no problem peddling the trike. He is now two and a half years old and still plenty small enough to get quite a bit more use out of the tricycle. Until he figured out the pedals, he was able to walk the trike.
This tricycle has not tipped while my son is riding it. For a two-year-old, he gets it going pretty fast believe me, this child is a total kamakaze. He has already fractured his skull, cracked his cheeck bone, and is always one giant bruise with his wild antics, but he hasn't had a single accident on this trike. My older kids (4,5, and 6) could probably tip this trike, but they really are too big to be on it in the first place. This is the smaller model of the radio flyer tricycle and is for the little bitties. It is rated for 2-4 but I would say 2-3. It's ok for smaller 4 year-olds, but if you are buying a trike for a 4 year-old, a larger model or even a small bike with training weels will be a better investment.
Overall, I love this trike, but the shifting handlebars have been an enormous headache for me having to constantly fix them and for my son constantly unable to steer his trike. If it were not for that significant flaw, I would have rated this tricycle a 5 star.
Best Deals for Radio Flyer Classic Red 10 - Inch Tricycle
My son absolutely loves his tricycle, and it fits him perfectly. We love that there are so many adjustable heights (seat height and handlebar height) and so as he grows, so will the bike. BUT! The handlebars won't stay in place. Never have. The reason is that it's just too difficult to get the little piece that keeps it in place to be tight enough with the tools we have. We are going to take it into the bike repair shop and have them tighten it for us with their tools (not sure what that will cost) and that should do the trick. So, if you're willing to do that, then this bike is an excellent buy. And, it's even more attractive in person than in the picture.
Honest reviews on Radio Flyer Classic Red 10 - Inch Tricycle
I wanted to write a review because I nearly returned this item initially after (as other reviewers) not managing to tighten the handlebars properly. I followed the directions using a wrench and pliers and I couldn't get it anything like tight enough. After a frustrating afternoon, I got out a socket set and tried that instead. Suddenly, I could get the bolt so much tighter and it has been fine since. My son loves it, it seems to go pretty easily, and have a classic, old-fashioned look which is very appealing. He can also put his stuffed monkey-lovey on the step and carry it round. According to my son (2 1/2) the only drawback is that it doesn't have a bottle cage, like my bike does!
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I bought this for my son who's not quite 2. He loves it and it is really traditional and seems durable. However, the reviews about the handlebars are true. They do not stay in place and frequently move, coming off center of the front wheel. It's aggravating, but fixable. My son, whose average in height, still can't reach the pedals well enough to pedal the tricycle, but he loves being able to maneuver it by pushing off the ground with his feet. He is very close to pedaling. One thing that frustrated me--the tricycle is made in China! So much for a "classic" product.
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