Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cheap Toy Story 3 Bike (16-Inch Wheels)

Toy Story 3 Bike
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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First, It arrived in excellent condition. The box containing the bike was in a large Amazon box with plenty of packing to protect it.

The quality and graphics detail of the bike itself is really great for the price.

Assembly was exceptionally easy....should take no more than 15 minutes (really!). Follow the pictorial instructions on the side of the bike box. Its really as simple as only 5 steps. You attach; the front wheel (2 nuts); the handlebar (1 bolt); the seat (hand screw and clamp), the training wheels (2 nuts); and the pedals (2 nuts). You will need only an medium size adjustable wrench for assembly...a socket set would be a bonus and make everything but the pedal attachment a bit easier. Last but not need to put some air in the tires and adjust the seat to your child's height. Before riding ...a helmet is a must. I also purchased the Toy Story child's bike helmet and pad set from Amazon which is also great quality and matches the bike perfectly.

Use the included written instructions only as a guide if they are needed as they are generic instructions with too much detail for this particular model (but are a good reference if you need them).

TIP: The only non-intuitive part of assembly is attaching the pedals. They are specifically marked left and right with small removable labels. You absolutely must use the correct pedal on the correct side of the bike and attach them by tightening in the correct direction. The right pedal has right-hand threads. Tighten it in a clockwise direction. The pedal marked "L" has left-hand threads. Tighten it in a counterclockwise direction. I believe most of the pedal problems are due to the fact that people are not installing them correctly.

If for some odd reason the pedals do come loose; head to your local hardware store and buy some LocTite (you would simply remove the pedals (turn in the opposite direction of what I noted above) and apply LocTite to the threads of the pedals and then reattach (remember to tighten in the correct direction noted above).

If your child like Toy Story and Buzz LightYear this bike will be a big hit!

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I'm not sure why the other guy had such a hard time putting it together. Maybe lack of competence on his part, but it wasn't hard to follow the directions and get it assembled. Although, I'd prefer a center pull front brake system, instead of a side one. It's a fine bike, that should last the few years I need it to. Great for the price.

Best Deals for Toy Story 3 Bike (16-Inch Wheels)

I'm not sure why the reviewer from 12/2010 had such a hard time putting together this bike, but it took myself and my 4 year old son < 10 minutes to put it together. I took one look at the included instructions and tossed them aside. Since it comes in 8 pieces, using basic common sense, everything went together smoothly. You can even reference the picture on the box to figure out what goes where! Honestly though, I had a socket set, and my 4 year old was pointing out what pieces went where. Slap on the training wheels on the rear, hand tighten; put the front wheel on, hand tighten the nuts, stick the handle bars in their hole, hand tighten that bolt, and slide the seat into the only remaining hole, don't bother tightening it down as you'll have to adjust to your child's height. Next, tighten everything down and you're almost done! The only really tricky part to be aware of (as another reviewer pointed out) is that the pedals are specifically made for the left and right side. I only noticed the "L" sticker on the Left pedal (this could have been because my son decided to peel off the "R" sticker, but I'll never really know). Using deductive reasoning, I figured out that the only remaining pedal would go on the Right side. You'll need to be aware of the thread pattern for each pedal (Right threads right, Left threads left). My 4 year old had the Right side pedal about half way threaded before I could get to it. Not that hard! After it was all said and done, and the seat adjusted to his height, he was off to the races. The bike seems very well built, the graphics look awesome, and the twinkle in his eye when he looked at his new Buzz Lightyear bike made my day. Overall it's a great quality product that should last a long time. The price was right, and the shipping was fast.

Honest reviews on Toy Story 3 Bike (16-Inch Wheels)

This bike came with a pedal that didn't fit and weeks later it is falling apart piece by piece. BUT my son begged me not to return it so I kept it. he learned how to ride his first bike with one pedal.

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My 5 year old son received this bike for Christmas and loves it. The bike came in 3 or 4 pieces and was very easy to assemble. The training wheels seem to be very sturdy as well.

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