Saturday, March 22, 2014

Buy Glide Bikes EZee Glider Kid's Balance Bike (12-Inch)

Glide Bikes EZee Glider Kid's Balance Bike
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $109.99
Sale Price: $91.77
Today's Bonus: 17% Off
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Got this bike for my 2yo last week after doing a lot of research. Before I talk about the product I need to address the reviews found on this site and others. It is clear to me that many of the reviews were either paid for or written by the manufacturer. Just look at the words and phrasing. Also notice most are not confirmed buyers nor do they have other reviews. Many, many of the same words and very similar phrasing. I'd say 75% of the reviews are fake which really annoys me when they try to game the system. Happens more and more and something needs to be done about it.

On to the bike. Got it in orange and it is a quality bike. Very light, small and adjustable. I actually prefer this one over the mini glider because it has air tires as opposed to foam. Big, big difference. They roll better and just look better. My 2yo had not problem straddling the bike with both feet on the ground. The orange is a great color. All of his friends are jealous because they say he is riding a 2 wheeler. Right now he just walks along with it. May be some time before he glides.

The movable footrest and hand brake are nice to have but he may never use them.

Overall, I think this bike is the best option in it's price range and would recommend over the mini glider and strider.

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We ordered the orange bike. It is no longer shipping with air tires, which was the primary reason for our purchase. We will be returning this, as it was not clearly stated prior to our transaction that the bike is now made with EVA.

Best Deals for Glide Bikes EZee Glider Kid's Balance Bike (12-Inch)

(EZ12-O) Ezee Glider Orange Air Tires (purchased directly from

The bike is around the quality I'd expect for ~$100. Solid, but a little clunky. I purchased this bike since it seemed to be one of the few bikes available for an average height 19month old. He is bike crazy so he doesn't seem to be anywhere close to giving up on it, but he has been frustrated with the bike due its significant weight. I removed the brake and peg bar to lighten the load some, but I wish I had been more aware of the weight. He is not using the seat on it's lowest setting, although he can easily reach the handle bars they seem too far away for his comfort.

I'm sure he'll figure it out, but it's a bit heart breaking to see him struggle with this one when he so easily uses our friends' lighter weight balance bikes. The air tires contribute a lot to the weight and I'm still optimistic that in a few months he'll have developed the strength and balance to make the air tires an advantage instead of a hindrance. Fortunately, the tires inflated fine and there was no problem as experienced by others reviewing this bike that had long slits in the innertube. The bike was easy to put together but clunky in it's quality. Handle bars go up and down but don't adjust closer to seat. Seat goes up and down but can't be moved closer to handlebars. Rear wheel has some sort of built in friction generator even with brake removed that prevents it from spinning freely. I'm sure this is a design feature to slow down gliding speeds but at the moment it just seems to require greater force to push along.

Overall, I think the bike is worth $100, I awarded it 3 stars based on the fact that it seems to be designed for younger/smaller children yet it's weight is a huge hindrance to anyone that size. As he ages I'm sure it'll work out fine, there seems to be plenty of extendability so I don't think we'll have any problem adjusting the seat and handlebar heights as he grows.

Honest reviews on Glide Bikes EZee Glider Kid's Balance Bike (12-Inch)

We've had this bike a year now. We got it for our son several months after he turned two. After about 4-5 months he was balancing without using his feet. We've had tons of people comment on what a neat bike this is, but I have not seen any other balance bikes around. I recommend it to everybody. He can also ride it off-road, thru the yard etc, propelling it with his feet, because of the big tires. He likes to chase our dog around.

It's nice because he can ride a bike like big sis. Tricycles don't even come close.

The one negative I've found is that the had brake is way too hard for a toddler to use, but he just drags his feet when he wants to stop, so it's really not necessary anyway. Just have to make sure they don't wear nice new shoes when riding the bike, unless you want the toes worn out.

This bike has been a great find for us.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Glide Bikes EZee Glider Kid's Balance Bike (12-Inch)

I purchased this Ezze Glider Balance Bike for my grandson this year and last year I purchased a Strider Balance Bike for my other grandson. I was much more impressed with this bike. Attractive, solid & sturdy and looked liked a real bike minus the pedals. Most toddlers won't use the hand brake, but looks cool. Now for my grandson's review:

Cam, (nick-named Bam-Bam) who is is strong, aggressive, w/ a leader type personality and thinks he is much older than he is was not impressed w/ the bold black Ezee Glider Bike. His first response, "Where are the pedals? Once on it he said, "It does not work, where are the pedals?" He then threw it on the ground and ran over to use his hand me down bikes w/ pedals and has refused to get on the Ezee Glider ever since.

Comparison Review: Stephen who got the Neon Green Strider Balance Bike is known to think things through before he act and is the type to sit back and watch before he does anything new. In contrast he was happy w/ his Strider Balance Bike and has used it just about everyday. He even rides on it in the basement.

My final thoughts: The Ezee Glider is more eye appealing and is above average quality at a higher cost. Whereas the Strider is a less expense, average quality and basic. Consider your budget when comparison shopping and the child's personality. Side note: My daughter's (the mother's) picked out the bikes I purchased for each child. I did not do any comparison shopping prior to each purchase.

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