Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunlite Thorn Resistant Bicycle Tube, 26 x 1-3/8 SCHRADER Valve Reviews

Sunlite Thorn Resistant Bicycle Tube, 26 x 1-3/8 SCHRADER Valve
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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These are the thickest tubes I have ever seen, but they do what they saythey are thorn and puncture resistant. If you are looking for something lightweight, then pass these by, but if you don't care about weight and just want a tube that won't puncture from a tiny bit of debris, then these are the ones to get. I even ran over some glass with them once and cut the sidewall of my tire, but not the actual tube, so I would recommend these if you don't care about weight and just care that your tube stays intact.

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Perhaps a little too thick when it comes to getting the valve through the hole.

Best Deals for Sunlite Thorn Resistant Bicycle Tube, 26 x 1-3/8 SCHRADER Valve

Well, I'm torn. First, this tube outlasted a rear tire, which was simply worn out. The tube was in fine shape, so I used it for a new tire, and it worked great for thousands of miles without any flats. Today, while simply trying to remove the air chuck from my valve after filling, the entire valve stem snapped off in my hand. It seems to have fractured along the threads. I've never had this problem before. At least I wasn't on the side of the road. I think I'll knock a star off, because really, the metal part really shouldn't be the failure point...

Honest reviews on Sunlite Thorn Resistant Bicycle Tube, 26 x 1-3/8 SCHRADER Valve

I am looking for a tube that can last longer than your traditional tube. This one does the job. Heavy is expected due to its construction and weight. However, I am just riding for health so it doesn't bother me.

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