Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Super Turbo 800watt Elite 36v Electric Scooter "Black" (Now Reviews

Super Turbo 800watt Elite 36v Electric Scooter 'Black'
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $499.00
Sale Price: $479.00
Today's Bonus: 4% Off
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Lots to say about this great scooter but will make it brief. I am a huge electric scooter enthusiast 14 months ago I bought four of the Ezip 750s (my review is also here on Amazon), and generally like them very much. Then I read the reviews of the Super 800, learned about what goes into them, and decided I really wanted this "Porsche" of scooters. Unfortunately I live in the USA seasonally, and last winter they were completely sold out. When I got back to the states this January, I was very bummed to learn they were again sold out and would not have them in until April.

I waited and was patient, and am glad I did! First of all need to mention that I purchased one of the Turbo 800s, and one of the limited edition Turbo 1000s. All I can say is wow! After the ezip 750, these things go like rockets. Very sturdily built, very high quality. Like everyone says here, Chris and his company were super helpful and polite. The 1000 is so sensitive to just a slight input of throttle, it jumps forward! And this, with an over 180lb. rider. Goes great over uneven surfaces, disc brakes work good, and speed is great. Just got them so have not had huge time to test battery life or comparison of 800 vs. 1000 (1000 uses a very expensive lithium battery, 48v, and a 1000 watt motor). But in general, all I can say is 'wow!', these are really great scooters.

Only downsides versus the ezip ezip is lighter, smaller, and more portable (and less expensive). It also is quite well built my three have held up well over 14 months of pretty heavy use. I am sure the SuperScooters will do just as well if not better. FedEx beat the crap out of one of the boxes, which is unusual for them. But they are so well-packed inside, there was no damage to any part of the scooter.

HIGHLY recommended get one before they (AGAIN) go out of stock!!!

FOLLOW-UP: After several days of using both scooters---

I wanted to post a follow-up because I think it's important for potential buyers. Also, I have a unique perspective as a long-term owner of the ezip 750s, and now the Super Turbo 800 and 1000. There's some more info and observations that I think would be helpful to a potential buyer.

Super Turbo 1000 Lithium (not sold on Amazon): Wow! All I can say. Very responsive, fast, leaps forward with just a little throttle. VERY expensive but if you are really into electric scooters as I am, worth it. Two pluses for this scooter that are NOT mentioned in the advertisements: First, it's lighter. The SuperScooters are HEAVY compared to the ezip (more on that in a minute), but the 1000 lithium battery weighs approx. 15lbs. less than the 3-battery deep cell unit of the 800. That makes a 15lb. lighter scooter, and it's a noticeable difference. Second, although the battery in this one is much more expensive, it lasts 3x as long as the lead-acid pack, meaning that over the life of this battery you'll save approx. $250 over what it would have cost to buy two more new lead-acid batter packs (300 cycles, vs. approx. 1000 cycles for the Lithium).

Super Turbo 800: Pros very solidly built, good quality, rides good over uneven surfaces. Cons: VERY heavy compared to the ezip 750. This may not be an issue for you, but if you will ever be loading the scooter into a car, or carrying it up a couple flights of stairs as I do at my place in Europe, it's a big issue. I'm not a weakling, but lifting this thing into the hatchback of a Mazda Protege 5 (not a very tall bumper to clear) takes a LOT of effort due to the 85lb. heft. The much lighter weight of the ezip 750s make them MUCH easier to transport, move around, carry up stairs, etc. Also, as a former motocross racer of bicycles and motorcycles, I know that weight is the enemy of performance, and that is no different here. The Super Turbo scooters feel like they were built in the following order of priorities: 1). Strength, 2). To meet a price point, and 3). Weight, as the very last concern. Next con: acceleration and battery life. The Super 800 is geared very, very tall, probably in order to make a high advertised top speed of 23mph. However, that gearing does two things slows acceleration greatly, and puts the motor under more load which uses up the battery quicker. Compared to the ezip, the Super Turbo 800 is geared very tall and therefore, even though it's more powerful, feels less responsive to throttle inputs at lower speed. Yes, it will eventually reach a higher top speed than the ezip, but it feels like you are always in overdrive 6th gear. Super Cycles and scooters sells a hill climbing kit for this scooter that would probably make it much more responsive to throttle inputs, and is probably the 'correct' gear ratio for this scooter for most riders and riding conditions, although it will result in a 'less exciting' top speed. But in my opinion, unless you weigh 90lbs., the very tall gear ratio is not optimum for this scooter, and combined with the heft, make it a bit sluggish.

I'm fortunate to own 2 sports cars that I both love, for different reasons: a Nissan 350z roadster, and a Ferrari 360 Modena. There is a PERFECT analogy between those two cars and the two scooters from Super Cycles. The 800 is the 350z sporty, and adequate for most people. But a true purebred sports car it's not it is underpowered and quite a bit too heavy to be a real performance car. The 1000 Lithium is the Ferrari lighting-quick responses to the throttle, always wants to go faster, and will test your ability and bravery as a driver due to its very high performance. Both are great cars, but if you had both of these in your garage, which would you take out for a Sunday drive???

Quick comparison with the ezip 750: I've already mentioned the weight and gear ratio issue. The ezip has a much lower top speed than both of the Super Scooters bikes. However, if the Super Turbo 800 was geared what I feel to be 'properly' for its power and weight, the top speed difference would pretty much disappear. Both units are made to a surprisingly high level of quality (considering mfg. plants for both are in China). The ezip is the more 'polished' and 'finished' looking item; it's obvious it was designed and built with the budget of a much larger company behind it. The Super 800 and 1000 have a bit of a 'kit-car' look to them, like maybe something you built in your backyard. They're not ugly, but not so sleek as the ezip, either. Thankfully, the quality and strength of the Super 800 and 1000 are there in spades (as is the weight).

If anyone claims the Super 800/1000 'blows away' the ezip, I'd have to disagree with them. The Super Turbos, even with the flaws mentioned, are still great scooters at a fair price. But even the Super 800 now sells for 50% more than what I paid for my ezips last year. The ezip is still fun, still quick, and is much lighter and easier to cart around. Is the Super Turbo 800 worth 50% more? Only you can decide. In my opinion, each of the three different scooters is fairly priced for its given performance level.

I can't end this review without mentioning one more thing, about the availability (or lack thereof) of these scooters over the year. I know that Super Cycles is a small company, and that the owners are very friendly and bend over backwards to help their customers, and have received rave reviews for this. But as a business owner, I know, and they must know, that if you do not have your products in stock for months on end, you are going to lose customers. It's obvious they are a small company they place an order from the manufacturer for how many they can finance or expect to sell over a few months, sell those, then place another order. But this has resulted in the scooters not being in stock for months at a time when I tried to order in January 2010, they were out of stock, and for over two months. Again this year tried to order, out of stock, had to wait 3 months to get product. They may have great customer service, but this is no way to run a business and they urgently need to find outside financing or a bigger credit line, to enable them to order enough units to meet the demand and not lose customers. I very nearly bought the competing scooters sold on ebay (the ones mentioned on their site as being of inferior quality) due to my frustration of having to wait again to get these scooters. While it's obvious that Super Scooter's bikes are of better quality than that competitor, reading the reviews of this 'copycat' shows that most customers of his are, in fact, very satisfied with their scooterseven if they are made more cheaply. And, they sell for quite a bit less than the Super Turbo 800.

I'm not trying to be harsh on the company or the scooters just making observations that may help potential buyers. I would have loved to have all this info when I was first researching these scooters. The Super Turbo 800 and the 1000 Lithium are both GREAT products that I hope to enjoy for many years to come. Hopefully this review provides more insight to future buyers.

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I just got this scooter the other day, and it came in a large cardboard box, packed very well in Styrofoam. No problems in setup. I ordered it on Friday, and I got it the following Wednesday. To me that is SUPER Service.

I also have two other scooters, A, E-Scooter,which is 3 wheel, and a Evocycle, all electric moped. Let me say this scooter is twice as fast than than my other two scooters, this Scooter MEANS BUSINESS! The Torque on the motor, well I was wondering where the seat belt was? This is no 4-8mph Mobility scooter, this is a 20-30+ Little Hot-rod scooter, that really scoots! It is very well built, and I love the little wide tires, that gives it great stability. I tried it on a 15-20 degree hill, and it shot right up. What I really like about it, is when I ride on the road in traffic, this little scooter, keeps up with it, and can even pass some of it, my other scooters, are better on the sidewalk.

The throttle on the scooter,well I was really impressed with, as you can go from a very very slow speed, to slow speed, to a middle speed, to a fast speed, to Top speed, all very gradually, or from Zero to 30mph in about 10 seconds. With the wide tires, which almost feels like it has 3 wheels, lets you go at the slow speeds, with it's stability. I almost felt I was on a Motorcycle.

The smaller the tire, the greater the stability in turns. I just love to go very slow, with people looking on, until I, "PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL", Then there "EYEBALLS JUST ABOUT FALL OUT OF THEIR HEAD" and Drivers beside me, give me thumbs up!

I was wondering where I could put a basket on it? I then figured out, why not put the handles of a strong shopping bag over the handle bars and let the bag hang down in front of me. I tried it, and went to the supermarket and got about 15 pounds of groceries, and it worked out Super, saved me a basket. I found one thing I had to get use to, was the kick stand, as it is in the front, and must be put down on level ground, or over it can go, and a few times, I forgot to kick it up, and it would scrape, remember the kick stand.

I am going to add 3 items to it, Backside turn signals, a Horn, and Motorcycle type side mirrors. The scooter has a very bright led headlight.

Let me see, I wonder how fast would it go with a 2000 watt motor? Are gasoline engines on the way OUT! Let's hope so!

Best Deals for Super Turbo 800watt Elite 36v Electric Scooter "Black" (Now

Originally bought the 800 for my Grandson who will be visiting me the first of June. After putting it together ( a easy 15 min. job) and admiring the engineering and build quality I charged the batteries and took her for a test hop. After buzzing around our gated community and racing the neighbors Dog (he lost) I knew I had to have one to keep my Grandson company ( OK it that's not completely true). I have owned and ridden many motorcycles over the last 40yrs. and this little baby is one of the best buys (inflation adjusted) I have ever made. The suspension system is increditable and soaks up potholes and road patches with out a problem. The seat is motorcycle comfy and the over all handling is increditable considering the limitations of the scooter design. Brakes will stop you so fast you will lose your gum or maybe glasses. Three disks is at least one more than it's big name competition. Speed. After cycling the batteries a few times and putting some break in miles on it this scooter topped 20mph on my GPS carrying my 6'1" 195lb body (give or take).The range for me seems to around 12-15 miles . If you have any questions about the product Chris (who's first language is English) will expertly answer them for you. There's first class technical assistance available and parts are readily available at reasonable prices. You will not buy a better product or deal with better folks than Super cycles. I am 70 yrs. young so I have been around so trust me on this. You won't be sorry.

Honest reviews on Super Turbo 800watt Elite 36v Electric Scooter "Black" (Now

Found this scooter back in Dec '08 while checking out for new scooters to purchase. At first glace, it has a remarkable resemblance to a Revo, an Australian brand scooter and a Mach1, a UK brand scooter, not to mention the X-Treme X-600. While there are other similar scooters in Singapore, I'm assuming that I'm the only person right now in my country who own this US custom made electric scooter, of course there could be others after this. Being an owner of several electric scooters of this class, which include a Goped (SLA) ESR750H and a Goped (SLA) ESR750EX (I will only compare it with scooters that are above 500 watt), I should say this scooter is very fast and is definitely faster that a Goped ESR. It will most certainly out run a default programmed/configured ESR any time, any day, even with the ESR's Turbo switch turn on. I can't help but have a funny feeling that they rigged the controller to sacrifice range for speed. In comparison with the SLA version of the Goped (mounted with B.B HR9 Battery and I think it would not be fair to compare it with Lithium powered scooter), the range is slightly more than that of a Goped ESR750H, but not by much. I estimate an additional range of around a mile more than a SLA powered Goped. Unlike some scooters with similar appearances, the scooter is able to climb hills and slopes as well, much like the Goped. What really bothers me about the scooter right now is the batteries and motor lifespan, given the fact that on both of my SLA powered Gopeds, the battery really begins to show some sign of degrade in the range it is able to provide before the gauge starts blinking red, which is quite noticeable from the second-third month onwards. Not to mention the number of brush cards which I killed in the process. The assumption is that it could probably due to the fact that I use the SLA Goped particularly every single day. Time will only tell if the scooter's batteries will last as long as it claims. On the other hand, it would probably be a good excuse for me to mount a 15-20 Ah LiPO4 battery on it (if I can stuck it in the tray) should the day comes when the 3 SLA batteries decide to die on me and this modding is something which I could not do with my Lithium version of the Goped ESR the LIon ESR750H/Iped. I do think however that they could do a better job with the decorative stickers, as it really begins to peep off during my first attempt of riding it. Overall, it is an excellent, fast and powerful scooter. Was initially having the intention of just giving 4 stars given the fact that it cost me around the same price of the scooter to ship it here. However, since the scooter reached me in perfect condition after the long journey from US, 5 stars from me then.

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I've had my Super 800 for just over a month...in a word, it ROCKS!

Fact: Last Sunday I took it on a full throttle "Bonsai Run," just to see how far it would go. The course is a bit hilly as it follows the ocean's cliffs. I weigh 155 pounds, and I have a trunk on my scooter, and I carried an extra (30 pound) battery pack. So figure a payload of 190 pounds. Full throttle the entire way, I was hoping to break 10 miles (16 km). I made 12.6 miles (20.2 km)!!! in just under an hour. The battery pack still had some oomph in it, but I turned into a pretty steep hill and decided It'd be better if I just switched battery packs at that point and came home. A week later, today, I tried a different approach: this time I kept the throttle at about 2/3 speed the entire way. I just got back, I made 15.1 miles (24.3 km) in 80 minutes! I switched out the battery pack, turned around, and really went easy on the throttle, just to see how long the fresh pack would last. I got home in 1 hour 34 minutes and 50 seconds!

If you have owned scooters in the past, you can appreciate the significance of these numbers. Most scooters out there today are either toys for the kids, or extremely expensive ($1,500++) adult commuter vehicles. The Super 800 delivers a performance nearly equal to machines far more expensive, at a fraction of the cost.

I also calculated some extremely conservative operating numbers. I can "fill the tank" of my scooter for 5 cents in electricity where I live. It's actually cheaper than that, as my rate is lower during the night, when I do most of my charging, but I'll use the more conservative number. Assuming that nickel gets me just 10 miles (16 km), again, let's be extra conservative, that means that it would cost me less, significantly less, than $1.50 to go 300 miles, the average range of a car here in the States. How much does it cost you to fill your tank? $30? $40? $60? Well I can do it for LESS than $1.50 !!!

Before you buy any scooter, you must, you simply must, do what I did. Get the phone number of the firm selling it, and simply try to call them. What you will find is the first dirty little secret of the electric scooter business: Almost zero customer service. Before, during, and after the sale, there is all but no recourse other than the web to contact your seller. Most don't even list phones, and those that do, almost never answer. Leave a message? At your own risk, and time. It is all but impossible to reach a live human, even to ORDER THE PRODUCT!!! Think what will happen if you have a problem after you've bought the thing. Which leads us to the second dirty little secret of the electric scooter world: they are all made in China, and you are, sooner or later, going to encounter a problem. You are going to want to get help, like, really fast. How will you do this if you weren't even able to reach a real person while you were trying to buy the thing?!

Well, the answer, my friend, is buy the Super 800 from Chris at Super Cycles & Scooters! I would suggest you try to reach the "other" guys first. Test my experience, see if you can even get a human on the line. Then call Chris. You are going to want to talk to him before you place your order anyway, as you want to discuss with him issues specific to your location and your operating environment (Are you heavy, thin? Will you be operating on hills? How steep? How long is your one-way commute?). You might consider talking to him about a trunk, gearing for hills, and an additional battery pack and/or charger.

My own experience? I had a control box (computer) go bad on my scooter on a Friday. I called Chris on the East Coast (I live on the West Coast). Monday (!!!) I had the replacement control box, complete with full instructions on how to replace it! It took me all of 10 minutes and I was back on the road! I noticed that after a month, the brakes were not as effective as they had been; remember, it's pretty hilly here, so I really use the brakes. A lot. So what to do? Simple, I logged on to Chris's website, entered the user name and password, and Voila! I was able to watch a video walking me, step by step, through the process of adjusting the brakes. It took me 20 minutes, and this was my first time. Anybody else out there do videos for their customers?

So, last thought: simply read the reviews of every other product, and every other seller. Note that electric scooters, and companies, in general get atrocious reviews. Then check out Chris and his Super 800. Five star, five star, five star, five star. When I was in High School, our calculus teacher insisted on grading on a curve. If we were to grade Chris, Super Cycles & Scooters, and the Super 800 on a curve, we'd have to give each at least 10 stars!

Go Speed Racer, Go!

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