Friday, April 25, 2014

Onguard Akita Key Cable Lock Reviews

Onguard Akita Key Cable Lock
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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The old joke is that "All bikes weight 50 pounds: a 10 pound bike needs a forty pound lock, a 40 pound bike needs a 10 pound lock, and a 50 pound bike doesn't need a lock."

I own a forty pound bike an old 10 speed that one bike store hipster called a "frankenbike." I ride my frankenbike all over the place and it works great. I need to lock it up and I'd prefer to use a long cable lock to ensure no one steals a tire, which I can't do with a ulock (either front or back tire is unlocked with that system). Put another way, the tires on this bike are worth more than the bike!

This cable lock is perfect as a discouragement for casual/opportunistic thieves around town. And since my bike is ugly, chipped and old, I just have to park near a nice bike to protect it against determined and professional thieves! I've been using a cable lock as the sole protection for my bike for 20 years, and I still have the same bike.

So if you need to lightly protect your street cruiser, this cable lock should do the job. It won't stop anyone intent on taking a valuable bike for sure.

Also, this lock has a couple of nice features:

1) It's about 6 feet long so plenty long enough to lock up to most urban/sidewalk trees.

2) It's 12mm thick cable so a little better than 10mm or 6mm cables

3) It has a weather plug so in inclement weather you can keep water out of the key hole

4) It comes with 4 or 5 keys so I don't have to worry about losing a key (or getting back up copies)

4a) The keys are pretty custom looking so don't expect to get copies made easily (that's a minus)

5) The lock mechanism itself is "positive" it locks cleanly and it unlocks easily no sticky key or turning problems. (I've had these problems with some newer kryptonite cable locks)

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Have been using this lock with my bicycle for a few days now and it's been fine.

Locking mechanism seems secure and does not stick.

Came with 5 laser-cut keys which I thought was generous.

There is a little slider which covers the key-hole for when you're not using it I think that's to prevent dirt, dust and rain, which is a nice feature (although I doubt it's 100% waterproof).

Cable is reasonably thick and covered well, as expected.

Only imperfection would be that because it's not spiralled like most lock cables, you have to make a bit of an effort to wind it around your bike; otherwise if you just loop it once when locking up your bike, the ring that the cable makes is rather unnecessarily large (with a 120cm cable length). This would be considered a positive feature if your bike is positioned far away from what you're chaining it to.

I do not yet have any feedback regarding long-term use. However, I am currently very happy with this purchase.

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Longer than expected. Not most useful for hiding away when biking. Should have picked a shorter cable, but I think quality is good.

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