Monday, March 31, 2014

Discount Currie Technologies eZip Women's Low Step-Thru Trailz Electric

Currie Technologies eZip Women's Low Step-Thru Trailz Electric Bicycle, Blue
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $599.00
Sale Price: $499.00
Today's Bonus: 17% Off
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The bike was delivered fast, and in good order. Assembling was pretty straight forward.

Charged the battery with a neat little charger overnight, and bingo all was ready to go, and it worked fine.

Battery can be either locked on the bike, or removed easily, to take inside. It's a nice package just right.

I wanted a bike for my wife, (retired) as we have steep hills, and for short trips to the library, community center etc, taking the car was not always ideal.

She has been delighted with her first trials, it "zooms" her up the hill no problem. for me, over 220 lbs, it goes well, but I need to pedal up hill, and the 7 gear shift system works OK.

On the pro side:

Price seems excellent. I definitely did not want to spend 1000$ let alone up to 4000+. What on earth do they put to hike the price that high.

This bike was just rightly priced.

The motor power is great. Most bikes are 250 watts, this has 450 watts, a clear advantage for our hills.

AND has a dual powering system, being TAG a Twist and Go, which is like a throttle, and you adjust the power by more or less twist on the handle bar. The 2nds system is PAG, for Pedal and Go, where the power steps in a second or so after you start peddling, and you feel a nice and quite powerful "push" from the motor. The TAG gives you the full 450 watts when fully "Twisted" and apparently the PaG give you half power.

Mind you the half power is what other expensive bikes have, and some dont have the TAG option. I like this bike.

The Battery is a cheap lead acid, not the expensive Lithium sort (Lithium by the way costs about the same as the full bike and battery put together, and with less power capacity!) which is fine. The lead acid battery is somewhat heavy (16 lbs 7 kgs).

A nice option, is that there is place for 2 batteries, so that you can double the distance, if thats what you want. No hassle, just order the 2nd battery and plug in the other side, all is ready.

It even has a front "suspension". Not too sure why for a city bike.

It seems very strongly built, simple, but strong, has the minimum required, and gets you around (at good speed!) I added front and back lights, as well as a basket in front, plus mud-guards, as my wife would definitely not be pleased to get soaked, if it rained, with the wheels showering up at her. Why the supplier did not add these cheap mud guards, or a basic tyre pump is somewhat a question, but it is a cheap bike.

On the Negative side:

The weight is huge. this is a very heavy bike, and it's not just the battery. Big wheels, tires, huge frame, suspension plus the motor and battery it weighs a ton ( 35 kgs/ 70lb or so). No way can my wife lift the back wheel off the ground. No going up stairs for sure. Why ? Even to get into the back of the car will require some strong arms and effort.

But you can say, well if the motor pushes you, no problem agreed. but be warned, if you live on the 2nd floor or higher and need to take the bike up, forget it.( not my case fortunately) Also if you go further than the battery limit, pedaling will be tough.

my second gripe is the owner's manual: Who ever wrote this? it is the most confusing manual I have ever seen. First,1 manual for about 7 different bikes, and it's all mixed up, quite detailed (which I like) But you are not sure which bike you are referring to.

The The assembly instruction come at page59 ! logical ??. Worse, they give misguided info on the batteries ( page 42-43. On page 42 they say immediately re-charge the battery after use. Correct, lead acid batteries dont like being discharged in full, or being left discharged.

Then they say "do I need to break in my batteries ?" yes! what? thats the best way to ruin a lead acid battery. I hope the manufacturerretailer sees this, and produces I manual for each type of bike, and make a clear distinction between battery types.

The twist control ring is quite small, so it's just the thumb and first finger which are involved. That could become tiring after a while, or if you have some rheumatism. Why not a full handle grip for the power? (which by the way goes the wrong way, you twist away from you to go forward!)

I'll put 4star if they correct the manuals and taken off 1 star or a bit more for the weight. Surely they could have a lighter bike, and saved costs at the same time! I am not looking for a super light bike, but 25-28 kgs, without battery is somewhat exceptional.

on a lesser side, It was a bit of a bother to have to go get a pump for the tires, and mud guards + lights. I also had to go back and ask for the battery terminal cover, which they mention but did not supply. a bit mean ! But maybe I am being difficult, as with a low cost bike, cant have it all, and these items dont cost much.

I ordered separately a helmet and locking device with my order, which I expected.

I'll come back if I have problems after some time.

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I absolutely love this bicycle. As a child, I rode my bicycle everywhere. Now, as an adult, I wanted a bicycle again to get more exercise and to enjoy being outdoors. My concerns were the hills in my area and also that I feel so out of shape. This bicycle was the perfect solution.

First, a negative: It's very heavy. The batteries are heavy too.

Now the positives: It's so easy to ride. On a flat surface, I can peddle all day. No straining or discomfort. When I go up the hills, I can peddle until I feel it is too hard to do, then switch to peddle assist or simply use the throttle. The heaviness of the bike feels secure to me when I am riding.

I do wish that I could adjust the speed of the peddle assist. I feel that it moves me along too fast when I am riding with friends who are moving under their own power. It gets me around easily from the first day. I was fortunate to have someone assemble it for me as I think it was beyond my abilities to do.

The batteries lock in place for when I wish to stop and get a soda or dash inside somewhere.

The fun it has brought to me makes me feel like I'm 10 years old again with my new toy. And I feel confident riding it anywhere.

Best Deals for Currie Technologies eZip Women's Low Step-Thru Trailz Electric

I am a male in his 30s i purchased this bike at pepboys on clearance for $300. The bike looks like a unisex bike. My battery only lasted a month. I guess from sitting in the store for so long. Well i looked into getting a lithium battery but they were all just a little too speep for me. Then i came across a web site called an ebike site, and saw that i can use rc lipo batteries on the ezip. So i went to a web site called and found a 22.2v 5000mah or 5ah lipo the brand was turnigy. The battery was only $50 bucks and i had to buy a special charger for it. I found one on ebay called imax b6 only $27 and $9 for a power suppy for the charger. I had to look at youtube videos on how to put the battery connectors on the battery and one on the ezip. I got the battery on with not to much trouble and went for a ride. All i can say is i will never go back to that big heavy lead battery again. The lipo gave constant power through out the ride. I rode 4 miles all peddal assist to work and 4 back with two hills the bike rode with no power loss. I didnt even charge at work. The 22.2v battery charges all the way up to 25.2v and it dosent take 8 hours like that lead battery. It only takes about an hour if you set it on 5amp charge. I use only 1 amp to charge because it balances the battery better. And i will definitely be ordering 2 more of these batteries and im going to wire them in parallel. That would give me 22.2v 15ah. Oh yeah. Hobbyking even has a 22.2v 8000mah and a 10000mah.

Honest reviews on Currie Technologies eZip Women's Low Step-Thru Trailz Electric



Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Currie Technologies eZip Women's Low Step-Thru Trailz Electric

I want to give this bike four stars because the instruction booklet is so schizoprenic that I don't know what bike model it's refering to, and worse yet, which battery. However, my fingers want to give it at least ten stars because it's so much fun! I am a baby boomer fifty something that sold her bike twenty five years ago after moving into a very hilly neighborhood. I only looked into possibly getting another bike to ride with my bff, whose husband gave her a three speed cruiser for Christmas. I already knew the hills dampen my enthusiasm, so imagine my delight when I found this bike.


Some people found the weight to be heavy. Although not light, I had no problems removing it from the shipping box, maneuvering it for assembly (did have a second pair of hands to help me flip it.) Took up another reviewers suggestion to look up the assembly directions on youtube. Very easy to follow, versus the wacko booklet. I didn't time it, but it took less than an hour. It feels substantial while riding.

Others felt the 20ish pound battery made the bike off balance. I haven't noticed a problem at all while I am riding. You do have to watch how you park it with the kick stand, as the extra weight could make it fall.

I WANT to ride the bike because now the steep hills are a non-issue. Along with peddling, the motor gives me just enough umph to make it up long steep hills. Have had no problem with running out of battery juice.


My bike was obviously a return and did have some scratches. They did send touch-up paint. Although disappointed, because I am picky, I was so excited to received it (BTW, sss takes forever...Amazon waited six days until they even shipped it and I am still waiting for the bike accessories I ordered on the same day...12 days later...nothing yet...grrr)

The instruction booklet jumps around to different bikes, different throttle systems, different batteries. Not straightforward at all.

Skip it and go to youtube for the instructions...much easier to follow.

Agreeing with another reviewer, the booklet leads one to believe you should drain the battery three times to "condition it" but that reduces the life of the acid battery. I would have done that too, if I hadn't read the review and did some investigation on my own. I think that may be why some buyers were unhappy with the performance of their battery.

All in all, this bike is such fun. I just added a basket I bought from ebay (could have ordered the same through Amazon but wasn't interested in waiting, waiting, waiting for shipping. Will be toting my little dog around in it today, for even more fun.

Go out and enjoy the ride!

Update: I am having so much fun with this bike! The few problems I've had were remedied by rereading the instruction booklet. I WANT to get out and ride it. Some days I even go on two rides!

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