List Price: $89.99
Sale Price: $52.49
Today's Bonus: 42% Off
This is the first night my daughter got her trike. It really is well made, and pieced together easily. You can see in the video...I had a very hard time capping the neck bolt, you can see the cover is not flush, because the neck bolt assembly seems bigger than the cap. I recommend a vice grip to assemble the neck, I didn't try it but I don't think a ratchet would fit. It must be very tight or else the wheel will go out of alignment and I had to turn the bolt as tight as I could to make sure. The bell is also very hard to push, you can see that she can still make it ring by touching it. I put her whole hand on the bell switch and she still couldn't do it. She likes the sounds and she will eventually be able to press it. The trike has been great. She ate breakfast on it the next day.
Another reason I posted this video is because I had a hard time finding the right bike for her height, and was worried she would not reach the pedals. I couldn't find any information on what height might fit this trike. My daughter is exactly 35 inches here, and 2 years old. With the seat on the lowest position, she can push the pedal forward, but not all the way around so she is still a few inches shy but I expected this. She will be able to push it shortly and I pleased at how well built it is and wifey loves it because it is cute. In the meanwhile, I tied a rope around the neck and tugged her around and she loved it.
Nice product and very pleased.
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I bought this for my grand daughters' 3rd birthday and it is a huge hit! She is definitely a girly-girl and is really into pink, so this hot-pink tricycle really hit a home run.When I brought it in to the birthday party from my daughters' garage my grand daughter forgot about all of the toys she had already opened and ran to the front closet to get her coat so Pop-Pop (what she calls me) could take her outside to teach her how to ride on it. Since we had received 4 inches of snow the night before and were to get 3 more inches that morning the outside thing didn't work out so well. So she decided to ride it in the house. Running over the toys and other gifts she had already opened as well as other people at the party didn't seem to be a problem with her. However the black marks the rubber tires left on the walls were not her dad's favorite thing.
The tricycle was very easy to assemble as is very, very sturdy. With the adjustable seat and handle bars and the fact that it has a tubular steel frame and rubber tires rather than plastic, we expect this to last grand daughter #1 through to the point where she needs a two wheeler and it should still be going strong when grand daughter #2 (born last November) is ready for her first tricycle. We had purchased what is basically the same tricycle when my daughter was 3 (now she is 30) and when my kids were too old for it we gave it to a younger cousin for her children. The last time we were at her house we noticed that tricycle hanging from a ceiling hook in their garage waiting for the next generation of trike riders to enter the scene.
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