Friday, December 20, 2013

Cheap Baby Jogger City Mini GT Single Stroller

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Single Stroller, Shadow/Orange
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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*** Please visit the end of this review for my latest updates ***

My husband and I originally could not decide between the Baby Jogger City Mini Single Stroller, Blue/Gray and the Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Green Sport. We loved the extra features of the Elite (e.g. higher weight limit, better tires suited for more varied terrain, and the handbrake), but read several reviews from people who felt that the Elite was sometimes just a little too big to comfortably navigate certain spaces. Yet while the Mini had the size advantage and was more lightweight, we just didn't find it to maneuver quite as smoothly as the Elite.

Happily, the City Mini GT was announced before we made our decision, as this stroller combines most of the advantages we liked about each stroller into a single one. Here is a brief rundown of how the City Mini GT compares on some of the things that mattered to us:


City Elite (CE): 75 lbs

City Mini (CM): 50 lbs

City Mini GT (CMGT): 65 lbs


CE: 26.2 lbs This one was a little heavy to me

CM: 16.8 lbs So light!

CMGT: 20.9 lbs Definitely a noticeable difference over the Mini, but I can still lift it comfortably


CE: 12" 'Forever-air' tires A dream to push, suited for all-terrain

CM: 8" EVA wheels Okay, but not nearly as smooth to me as the other two and not meant for all-terrain

CMGT: 8.5" 'Forever-air' tires Much closer to the smoothness of the City Elite, suited for all-terrain


CE: 47x26.5x33-46

CM: 39.5x24x41.5

CMGT: 44x24.5x30-43.5 This stroller looks and feels longer than the Mini, but not quite as hulking as the Elite. I'm happy with this as a middle ground.


CE: 26"

CM: 23"

CMGT: 26"


CE: Handbrake on the side Much easier to me than the footbrake

CM: Footbrake on the back of the stroller

CMGT: Handbrake on the side


CE: Good padding, good magnetic closures on the peek-a-boo windows and vents

CM: So-so padding, velcro closures

CMGT: Good padding, velcro closures on windows/vents (the one thing I don't like!), adjustable handlebar, redesign of storage basket with the deeper U-Bar makes it easier to access the space (though this may be on all models)


In the end, you have to decide which features are most important to you. If space or cost are the biggest factors, the Mini may still be your best option. However, if you are stuck between the two ends of the spectrum for reasons similar to mine, I highly recommend the GT over both of the other models.

I really like the City line of strollers, especially given how easy mine was to assemble (unfold, attach tires and canopy, DONE!), and how solid it is. I also love the quick-fold feature that is on all of the strollers. Hope this helps you make your decision!

JULY 2012 UPDATE: After using the stroller for a few months, I experienced the same front wheel locking issue that others have reported. The mechanism that holds the lock down (in the OFF position) stopped working, so the front wheel would lock at random. I called Baby Jogger and they were able to ship a new wheel to me overnight, which I appreciate. However, I have downgraded my review by one star based on this problem. I will update this review again in a few months to report back on whether or not the replacement wheel holds up.

NOVEMBER 2012 UPDATE: No problems with the replacement wheel I received over the summer and I still find it GREAT on all kinds of terrain, but I am disappointed by another aspect of the stroller design. While it is so easy to fold, I sometimes find it a little cumbersome when trying to open it.

Here's the problem: First, the best way to hold the stroller to unfold it isn't immediately apparent to most of my family members. Some of them put it on its side to try and pry it apart, while most others put it upside down (with handlebar and wheels facing up, and the curved plastic joint on the ground). The latter position would make it really easy to open because you would have a free hand to unfasten the loose clip that holds both pieces together, but this means that the plastic joint (where the City Mini GT logo is on the sides of the stroller) gets scuffed up very easily. It's even worse because this piece is so visible when the stroller is in use. Also, I have had some fabrics catch on the scuffs while I was putting my son in the seat. A sturdier material here -why not rubber like the handle? -would have negated this.

With that being said, here is the best method I have found to open the stroller without scuffing it. Hold it by the 'Fold' seat handle with one hand. With the other, try to loosen the locking clip. Next, use your second hand to grab the handlebar and pull away from the seat. Most of the time, this gets the stroller to open easily, though sometimes the locking clip engages again (which is avoided when turning the whole thing upside down).

JUNE 2013 UPDATE: Still no problems with the replacement wheel, despite a lot of use. With over a year of experience to reflect on, I am very happy with this stroller and am still pleased we elected the Mini GT rather than the Mini or Elite.

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This is my third baby and probably my 6th stroller, but I think I love this one the most. I needed a stroller that would keep up with my active family. My boys are in t-ball and we have vacations planned for the beach, DC and Disney World so I wanted a stroller that would be great on all kinds of surfaces... grass, gravel, sand, sidewalks, etc. I almost got the original City Mini, but when I saw the GT model was going to be released I waited b/c it had everything I wanted in a stroller, mainly the all-terrain wheels. It was worth the wait.

The stroller is a dream to push. It glides. The adjustable handle is great b/c my husband is 6 foot 4. The basket in the GT is much easier to access than the original City Mini and I like that it locks when it closes. The visor is so big it's wonderful. It provides a ton of coverage so she will be well protected from the sun. And the seat is very plush and comfy. My 6 1/2 month old daughter loves the stroller. The seat is also very large and can even accommodate my 4 year old who is 40 pounds and 43 inches. This is a stroller that will last a long time because it will be comfortable for older toddlers as well.

The fold is so easy. It's the one thing that sets the Baby Joggers apart from the others. I can literally hold my daughter in one hand and fold and pick up the stroller with the other. The fold is compact too for a stroller of it's size. It will easily fit in any trunk.

The only cons would be that the GT model is a little heavier than the original and that the color selection could be better. I would have loved to see this with a purple trim. But, the Bamboo Yellow is nice and different.

This stroller was worth the price tag. It's well made, will last a long time, and can pretty much accommodate any situation you need.

UPDATED August 2012 -

We've used this stroller for a few months now. I still like it, but there are a few things I'm disappointed in.

1) I too had the wheel lock issue, but customer service sent me a new one right away.

2) Because the insides are exposed when folded, the black plastic wears VERY easily and that bugs me. The black plastic on the rounded parts that fold and on the part where the wheel attaches all have scuffs, scraps and dents. And that is just from putting it in my van or resting it on the ground to open it. We haven't used it really heavily yet and I was expecting it to wear better for a $350 stroller. Baby Jogger should do something to protect this area so it's A) not rough on little fingers and B) wears better so it stays looking nice. I shouldn't have to put a blanket or towel around my stroller in the back of my van to prevent it from getting scuffed up. I've had MANY strollers and never had this problem before.

3) The fabric marks easily. I have two spots that I have no idea what happened to cause them. I wiped it down several times and they are still there. My daughter doesn't eat in the stroller yet so it's not from food. My guess is rubbing against another hard surface when stored. Again you think at this price point you'd be dealing with something that can take a beating but I have to be very delicate and cautious with the stroller to keep it nice.

4) The wheels do give a smoother ride than plastic, but they don't fair any better in grass, gravel or sand than a regular stroller. This is one of the main reasons I got this stroller vs the regular City Mini... the all-terrain wheels.

While I still like the stroller, I don't love it as much. I probably could have gotten away with the 2011 City Mini and saved myself $200.

Also, I was able to turn it into a 3 point harness. There are loops in the back of the seat in the corners. I attached the shoulder hooks to them and I have a working 3pt harness. This allows my daughter to sit up and hold onto the try to look out the stroller.

Best Deals for Baby Jogger City Mini GT Single Stroller

I have owned a City Mini and City Elite and loved both for different reasons, but neither was great at everything. They City Mini is the perfect indoor stroller, but I didn't like walks outside with it even on relatively even pavement. The Elite handled outside walks like a dream, but was a little bulky to take indoors places. The GT is the almost perfect hybrid between the two strollers. It has the compactness of the Mini, but the nicer features of the Elite (most importantly the all terrain wheels and adjustable handlebar).

They increased the seat back in this model (compared to City Mini) and head room in the process, which is great. My 37" tall 3.5 year old has plenty of room to grow and still fit under the canopy. I see her being able to use this easily for another 2 years. The Elite still has the most headroom, but being that we can get to 5 years old in this stroller, is not a big deal. There are some features that I love on the Elite that are absent from this GT model that I would have LOVED to see. The magnetic windows were so nice on my elite. The GT still has the same loud velcro, which with my 3 year old is a non issue, but would be important with a baby who you don't want to wake up to peek in on! I also would have loved to see the side vent windows that the Elite has just to get some more air moving in there, especially in the summer. The other thing that the GT doesn't have that the 2011 and prior model Elites did was the ability to remove the shoulder straps entirely and have a simple 3 pt. harness. With an infant, you obviously want a 5 pt. harness, but with an older child, they don't want to be strapped completely down and I have to clip the shoulder straps to the little clips on each side of the seat in order to make it a sort of rigged 3 pt. harness. It works ok, but leaves a lot of extra straps that don't need to be there if they had made the harnesses more like the Elites. (Note: They took this feature away on the 2012 elite and you have to cut off the straps if you want a 3 pt. harness).

Although it says do not hang bags from handlebar, I have always been able to (from my reg. City Mini and now the GT) without an issue. I am able to hang my relatively stuffed, large purse via stroller straps on the handlebar with NO child in it, and it doesn't tip over. Now a super heavy, huge diaper bag with a newborn in the stroller, I probably wouldn't do. But you should be able to hang most bags from the stroller without an issue. I assume the warning is more of a liability thing on BJ's end more then anything.

All in all, this is a great stroller for the price. They fixed a lot of my complaints in the City Mini with the GT. However, I wish they had really incorporated all of the nice Elite features into this GT (and perhaps just get rid of the Elite?). I would have definitely paid more on the GT to have the magnetic windows, side vents, and the option for a 3 pt. harness.

Also, a note to those frustrated with the Baby Jogger parent console and price, check out the Diono Buggy Buddy. It is way cheaper and works MUCH better, in my opinion. I used ours (when Diono was Sunshine Kids) on our old Mini, Elite, and now I have it on our GT and it is perfect! Much more space then BJ's option and it fits nicer too for a fraction of the price.

Honest reviews on Baby Jogger City Mini GT Single Stroller

I like a lot of things about this stroller, but it has several downsides too:



As a 3 wheeler it is not nearly as stable as a 4 wheel stroller, and can be dangerously tippy. I took it on the city bus one day, and parked it facing the rear of the bus. I sat down facing the stroller so I could sit and watch my son. Two stops in, the driver braked just a bit harder than usual, and the stroller tipped backwards (towards the front of the bus). Luckily the stroller/wheelchair section of our buses have a big upright padded cushion just in front of them, so the stroller didn't completely tip over. But it was very scary, and now I always keep the stroller facing the front of the bus, and I stand next to it. (Not nearly as relaxing)

The stability has also been an issue for our family when walking to shops in the neighborhood with 2 or more steps up. It is almost impossible to scale multiple steps by oneself and open the door

Small basket

The basket underneath the stroller is smaller than just about every other stroller on the market. This is a definite drawback for our family that likes to walk to the grocery store. While with a 4 wheel stroller you could hang bags on the handle, I don't dare do this given this stroller's tippyness (and the warning right across the handle says not to hang bags)

Easy fold is not as easy as it seems

The salespeople sold us on the easy fold of this stroller, and it is definitely easier than some other strollers on the market. However, the sales people and websites fail to mention that there are actually 3 steps to folding/unfolding : unbuckle left red safety clip, unbuckle right red safety clip, then unfold. Not a one-handed operation at all.

That being said, we only used the safety clips the first time. I think it's pretty unlikely that the stroller would fold on itself with our big baby in it.

Straps are too short for our 8 month old

The harness is too tight already for our 8 month old. We end up trying to use it as a leg harness instead of leg + shoulder.

No where to hang stroller toys from


Handling in snow is pretty good!

You can lock the front wheel which is nice for pushing through slush or snow. I even managed to get to the corner store when there was 10cm of sticky snow (although this was quite the workout and I wouldn't have gone any further)

Handles well on hiking paths

I took this stroller on some easy to medium paths with little trouble. The lightness really helps in these situations when you're pushing uphill

One handed push

You can often push the stroller with just one hand.

Small size

This stroller takes up 1/4 of our Jetta's trunk (vs 1/2 the trunk with the old Eddie bauer travel system we had before). This really came in handy a few times, for instance at Christmas and when we went camping.

Price point, full recline

The price point is pretty good for this type of stroller. I tend to feel a bit smug when my friend struggles to disassemble her $700 Uppababy to put in the trunk. Or when her baby falls asleep (as they invariably do on longer walks), and her head droops forward at an awkward angle.

Super long canopy

Until our son's legs get longer, we get to skip the rain canopy, and we can shield his eyes from the sun no matter its angle.

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We love this stroller, and we have tried many. I have had a city select, a city mini and a bumbleride indie. This is absolutely perfect for a one and only stroller, it handles all terrain smoothly but has small tires so isn't bulky or heavy.

Here is my pros list



-easy to use sunshade

-easy fold, SUPER easy

-longer footwell and non adjustable

-flat recline

-mesh back

-good peekaboo windows, 2, plus longer sunshade, crazy long


-bit more narrow

-smaller AT forever air tires, good at everything BUT jogging

-taller seat back and to sunshade measurement

-one handed push even w/ big kids

-holds up to 65lbs!

-compareable basket to indie, large and easily accessed

-super easy to adjust shoulder straps

-harder to undo buckle

-easy adjustment for recline

our big kid, almost 5 fits really well, better than the city select and the indie definitely.

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