Monday, December 30, 2013

Buy Mobo Mini Luxury Three Wheeled Cruiser

Mobo Mini Luxury Three Wheeled Cruiser, Green, 12-Inch
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $249.00
Sale Price: $179.10
Today's Bonus: 28% Off
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I'm giving this a "tentative" 5 stars as I purchased it as a Christmas gift for my 2 year old nephew and he hasn't seen/played with it yet. I'll update this review after Christmas with how it went.


IMHO, the entire recumbent trike market is way overpriced. But in that context, the asking price (although possibly still a smidge high) is about what I'd expect for this type of product.


The trike appears to be made from good quality parts (i.e., no parts looked inherently sub-standard to me). The main frame, seat frame, and steering assembly are made of a sturdy metal tubing and the welds look decent. The steering linkage, fenders, fender supports, and crank arms are also made of metal. The pedals and tire rims appear to made of plastic. Once assembled, the trike seems very sturdy with all parts properly fitting together snug and secure.

~The caliper handbrake is adjustable.

~The front tire is inflatable (rear tires are solid).

~The front rim is freewheel (braking with handbrake only or possibly by dragging feet).

~The valve for the inflatable front tire is angled outward and can easily be accessed by a standard bike pump.

~Removable bike flag/post included.


The following parts came pre-assembled: 1) steering linkage/steering arm/complete brake assembly/front frame/forts/front wheel/cranks and 2) seat frame/cushions. So all I needed to do was to attach those two pre-assembled sections to the rear axle and put on the rear tires, reflector, bike flag, decals and put air in the front tire.

~In no rush, it took me about an hour to de-box, read instructions, and assemble the trike (and then another hour or so to apply the custom decals).

~Tools Do yourself a favor and use your own tools to assemble the trike. The manufacture is kind enough to include tools but I found them to mostly cause frustration (with the exception of the allen wrenches).

~Decals The manufacture also provides a nice variety of decals so you can customize the look of the trike. The nice thing about decals is that they are more forgiving if you misapply and need to adjust their positioning. However, if you haven't applied decals in a while (or ever), I would suggest you practice applying (then removing before it dries) one or two of the larger decals you don't plan on using as they can be a little tricky. Also, the instructions indicate to place the decals in water for a few minutes. However, the decals I received took about an hour in warm water before I could properly separate them from their backing.


This trike is light enough for just about any adult (even petite moms) to easily lift and it's small enough to fit in the trunk/back seat of a typical compact car.

If I haven't added an update at the top of this review, then this product is still working for me as described.

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This is really fun for the grandkids. We bought it for our 2yr old but his legs are just a little too short for the closest setting. However the 5 yr old goes like crazy with it. He has a y-bike and it is just a lttle too big for him. However he likes it also

Best Deals for Mobo Mini Luxury Three Wheeled Cruiser

This thing is absolutely ridiculous. While it is expensive, there is not a better "tricycle" out there for a little guy.

Huge advantages over regular tricycles/big wheels:

StabilityMy son has tipped over other tricycles and become scared to use them. With the low center of gravity this is pretty much impossible to tip even when turning on a hill/driveway.

Free wheelhas a freewheel on the front wheel, in other words you can coast without having the pedals move, very cool and unlike most tricycles/big wheels. Makes it much safer if the kid picks up a little speed going downhill and removes his feet from the pedals(I remember the pedals on my big wheel digging into my shins more than once).

BrakeHas a hand brake, no need to Flintstone it. However the handbrake is too big for my two year old to use yet (can't get his hand around it) so he is still using the flintsone method to stop.

Anyways my 2 1/2 y/o has no problems steering/pedaling this. In fact he can reach speeds faster than I can comfortably walk. Everyone at the park is quite impressed at the speeds he reaches (he luckily is very courteous and respectful not to run people over/pulls to the side of the sidewalk and waits if a dog approaches). He should get a good 2-3 years out of this bike, making a great investment, despite the high price.

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